Ushnishavijaya is the Buddhist goddess of long life and purification. Her name means “Victorious Crown Protuberance” and it is related to the oval at the top of the head of the Buddha (Skt. ushnisha). She has three faces with different expressions showing the goddess’s ability to manifest in different aspects, according to the needs of the sentient beings. Her eight arms, with their mudra and implements, symbolize aspects of enlightenment.
This 30” statue of Ushnishavijaya has been crafted by the same family of master artisans that made the 21 Tara Statues in the Tara Temple. This magnificent representation of the mediation deity from the Machig Labdron Longevity Practice is being manifested through offerings made by sangha members and practitioners.
Once $10,000 has been raised, the statute will ship from Nepal to be blessed by Lama Tsultrim. This statue will support the flourishing of the terma and become a blessing to those who practice.
We hope you feel the blessings of your contribution and will send an image card of the statue to you once it has arrived.
With gratitude.
If you would like your contribution to occur in twelve payments, select the amount you would like to offer. This will be split into twelve payments and charged once today and then for the following 11 months. If you would like to make adjustments to the schedule, please contact us for our support.
~ for example: a selection of $1,000 would be twelve payments of $83.33 each month, for twelve months for a total donation of $1,000.